iB Blogger Competition

Selasa, 29 September 2015

I bet you cannot deny this!

            Should atheist retorts that seeing is believing, through this book, such phrase is no longer used because reading is believing. The era of miracle has indeed ended, but it is not for Al quran which lasts forever. Prof. DR. Mutawalli is just one of many persons who can find Allah in the very simplest way ever. Through his book, he elaborates what one verse means in a very understandable basis. Therefore, this book is purposed to those who skeptical whether or not Allah exists. Just FYI, this is the first book i read with goosebumps.

            The whole words used in this book are readable for everyone regardless of what their background including but not limited to religion, title, race, academic level etc. You can either use this book, to protect yourself from anxiety or to debate even with an atheist professor although you are not professor.

            Any principles, philosophies, theories coming from scientific approach are scrutinized in a simple manner which is at the end, only prove that Allah exists. Those are causal principle, philosophies of god entity, Darwin theory etc.

            Let’s give a moment to sink in. Causal principle is a notion that believes something happens because other things. Therefore if man were having sex with woman then they would have a son. However, through His power, he tells humankind it is not always like that. Adam and Jesus are the only exception. This case only happens once, but it proves enough that there is something beyond, something who control over causal principle and anything beyond.

            One simplest thought example in philosophy of god entity is if the founder of electricity/lamp was to struggle to make themselves famous, would the creator of sun forget to tell human that he is the creator

            Other simplest example in theory is a fetus inside the womb. Al quran was revealed 14 centuries ago, but empirically speaking goes along with today’s theory. Prof. Keith L. Moore, the embryology expert in Toronto University, Canada was shocked when he found out that Al quran does go hand in hand with it. He conceded it is impossible for Muhammad or people in muhammad’s contemporary to know then write it unless it speaks in the name of god almighty, Allah Azza Wa Jalla. Not to mention, a well-known surgical operation expert, Prof. Tajatsat from Muangthai who declared “there is no good but Allah” in the middle of summit after he found out that Al quran is right about nerve.

            However, the perfection only belongs to Allah. Only one weaknesses derived from this book. The hung case can be found in page 116 talking about the reason why the old man in early year of prophet Muhammad (known as Elephant Year) did not refuse about the emerging Ababil Bird.

1.      Cover                                      :
2.      Judul Buku                              : BUKTI BUKTI ADANYA ALLAH
3.      Penulis                                     : PROF. DR. M. MUTAWALLI ASY-SYA’RAWI
4.      ISBN                                       : 979-561-191 7
5.      Penerbit                                   : GEMA INSANI PRESS
6.      Editor/Penyelaras Kata           : JUARIYAH MUHAMMAD
7.      Desain Cover                          : EDO ABDULLAH
8.      Layout Isi
9.      Tanggal Terbit                         : SEPTEMBER 2000
10.  Harga                                      : RP. 10.500
11.  Tebal                                       : 124 HLM
12.  Blurb                                       : 18 CM

“This book review is written to participate on #Reviews4Indonesia movement by NulisBuku.com & Kutukutubuku.com to support Indonesia as Frankfurt Book Fair’s Guest of Honour 2015″

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